Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Girls Weekend in Seattle

Okay, the recap you probably haven't been waiting for!

This weekend I escaped snowlandia and made it up for some girl time with my lady Amanda. Amanda and I met when I moved to a new high school my sophomore year and we became instant friends. Both talented, intelligent, intrinsically motivated young women looking to make a difference. We teamed up with two other bright women and formed a group that we named "TMNT" (Yes, that's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). 

These girls gave me my first taste of blogging when we used to use Livejournal private posts to communicate and gossip about all the dirty details of adolescence. Too bad I don't remember my password to retrieve the 55 private entries AND great thing that those posts never existed on the public internet. I was a sassy teenager without much of a filter.

But back to girl's weekend. If anyone is a great host it's my girl. She picked me up at the bus station, had a bottle of wine ready and waiting the second we stepped into her door and she even let me sleep in her bed with her rather than making me stay on her couch. We wined, chatted, wined, Sex and the City Marathon, explored, shopped, wined, whiskeyed and did our best to stay warm while Seattle got it's own snow flurries. 

Enjoy some photos from the weekend! 

 photo Seattle1.png

:: Rooftop view of the Space Needle as Seattle started to get it's own snowfall.
:: Amanda and I showing off our macaroon to our smart doctor friend, Grace.
:: Pleather, Scarf and Bose headphone selfie on the Bolt Bus.
:: <3 coffee and sunglasses - both were necessary.

 photo Seattle2.png

:: Buffalo Trace on the rocks with a splash of ginger
:: Darts with girls & boys
:: Nailed this nice stranger in the eyeball 30 feet away in a bar snowball fight
:: All the selfie's (get off my nose, awkward hair)

I can't wait to visit her again in the spring. Thanks again for a great time! 


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

girls weekends are the best.

and OMG LJ!!!! i remember making an account circa 2000 hahaha!

-kathy | Vodka and Soda

Marisa @ Uproot from Oregon said...

I am also a big fan of whisky and just bought myself a bottle this weekend. So good with some ginger ale- good choice. I am happy you made it safely and 'easily' up to Seattle!

Ashley - Married to the Game said...

It doesn't get much better than a girls weekend! I need another one again soon. I'm glad that you had a great weekend!

Ashley, Married to the Game

brooke lyn said...

macaroon. that is all.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like such a lovely trip! I've never been to Seattle before but it's definitely on my travel bucket list! Have a great day, Jessi! xo

Melissa Nicole said...

nice arm girl. nice. arm. nailed him in the eye im impressed.

Lauren said...

I have no idea where my livejournal went and I am sad because there is some GOLD there! I would love to visit Seattle - glad you had a great trip!

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

How fun!!!! I totally missed out on potential snarky youth memories by not having a live journal account :-)

MacKensie said...

bahaha I had LJ too. And Deadjournal.. cuz that was a thing.

Alex[andra] said...

You're so lucky! This looks like so much fun! Haha way to hit a stranger!

Katie Elizabeth said...

Looks like a great girls weekend! I've never been to Seattle but it's on my list. And do you remember Xanga? I never had my own but I think there is where my love of stalking people online began haha!