What!? MacKensie came to Portland this weekend?
It's true, it happened. My long time blogger crush sent me a text last week wanting to know when was a good time to visit. I started to look out into September for weekends that made sense, but then said "this weekend is great, but it's probably not the cheapest way." Looking at flights, I was right - but when we figured out how much it would cost to drive AND that miss Ziggy could come along we planned a three day whirlwind trip of all the Portland fun.
I wanted to show miss Mary Mack just enough to make her love it, but hold back that much more to make her want to come back and/or consider moving here. She's been flirting with the idea for a little while now.
The just enough meant hipster bars, the best sushi in town, voodoo donuts, the accidental walk-in to a strip club because we needed to use the restroom - then the non-accidental stay at the strip club because... Portland.
The things I kept from her were my paleo cooking skills, my love for lazy Saturdays at cute coffee shops, the hottest brunch spots on the weekend with fried okra and of course the music scene. A girl has to keep some cards up her sleeve.
Saturday evening Brooke was finally able to squeeze us into her busy schedule (kidding, this girl is busy and killing it right now) so we went out to dinner with her college friends and made a mess of some tasty thai food and craft beers.
Sunday we slept in like champions and rolled out of bed around noon to get our butts up a mountain. We declared that Sunday was "Ziggy Day!" so we let the little bundle of cuddles lead us all the way up Angel's Rest (2.3 miles and 1500 feet elevation).
We reached the breathtaking views in under and hour and spent our time at the top overlooking the Columbia river below while Ziggy searched for some shade in the shrubs.
We made it down the mountain, cleaned up and met Brooke & Brad for dinner in the cutest part of town, NW 23rd. After some sangria, grilled stuffed bacon wrapped jalapenos and way too much good food, we lined up for our "blogger bestie" photo and turned it to black/white to mask our sleepy weary weekend faces.
To finish off the evening we went home to get Ziggy and took her to the Lucky Lab - a bar where furry friends are welcome and encouraged! We had to finish off Ziggy day with a bang! She thanked us by prancing around on the tabletop to show us that she could get wild and crazy too. I think she liked her visit.
Sadly, MacKensie drove all the way back to San Francisco (close to 700 miles) and I'm sitting here hoping and wishing that she and Ziggy come home to Portland soon <3
...Or at least come back and try a donut with some bacon on it!

WOOHOO! Yay, so glad to see your pretty face. I should have emailed you earlier ;)!
Looks like a wonderful, blate of a weekend. One that I'm jealous of, le duh. But, I'm still holding out for boozy brunch!!! And I can't wait to go hiking with you too, that view is amazing!
Blates and bacon?? Yes! All of the rest is just added bonus! :)
blates and hiking? YES PLEASE!!
Vodka and Soda
What a great trip!!!! Hope she gets to visit soon! You should visit SF!
that hike looks awesome!! so fun, and i love the black and white pic of you guys- all of y'all look gorgeous!
Pretty girls!! Blates are the best :)
but no really, could i look any more tired? Mac will have to come back so i can show her my good side.
Well look at you guys blating it up and trying to recruit more people to move there. Love it! Looks like you guys had a fun weekend!
what good side brooke?
Sounds fun! Great pictures!
what a fun time! you are a great host. love the last pic, you girls are gorgeous!
So happy to see a new post from you. Glad you are having so fun this summer.
Awww how fun!!
I can't wait to do the same types of things with you and brooke. gotta plan that asap!
p.s. I'm glad I won't be the only tall one in future pictures with you and brooke hahaha
What a fun blate! You guys are too cute! Ill be in the US in the fall but nowhere close to Portland 9unless you count LA for a day) booo!!
I'm so jealous! I want to photoshop my head onto her body and pretend it was me instead!!!
Oh so fun! I'm glad you ladies had such an amazing time :D Definitely makes me want to go down and hang out with you guys soon!!
Looks like you had another fantastic blate! And all of these tales of Portland make me want to come visit.
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