I'm feeling a little intimidated to write an uninspired Training for Tuesday considering the link-up is hosted by two unbelievable believers. Alyssa has her sights on her first marathon in just five sleeps while Tracy just beyond-owned her own "Super Secret Radical Goal" time of 6 hours in her Half Iron Distance Triathlon. While I could sit this one out today, I know that no matter what topics I cover here will be met with good cheers and support from these two.
The weather is turning here in Tennessee. Last week we saw what was likely our last day in the 80's with an immediate swing to my Northwest memories of rainy mornings and dark evenings. This seasonal shift brings a deep desire to trade my evening gym dates for some cozy blankets and the latest on HBO Go.
No matter what way you look at it, fitness gets a little more difficult in the colder months whether it's the rain, the food or the football. Here's just four ways we've agreed to stay in tune with our fitness goals this Fall.
No matter what way you look at it, fitness gets a little more difficult in the colder months whether it's the rain, the food or the football. Here's just four ways we've agreed to stay in tune with our fitness goals this Fall.
+ Muscle Meetings
The office welcomes a brand new gym this week, just in time to combat the Halloween candy we've all been sneaking for the past month. There's no showers available for the grand opening so this new location will be an evening treat. I'm thinking of the time I spend in the work gym as a meeting with my muscles. The man-friend is excited to spend a little less time on the cardio machines and more time hoopin' with the guys. The biggest win about this after work meeting is that I won't feel so bad to get home and straight into some cozy men's clothing to start the night off right.
+ Tea-rrific!
Drinking every last drop of cold filtered water may be everything I want in the summer, but once I'm wearing layers and blankets just to keep warm at work - I'm sometimes known to wear gloves - I can't stand to replenish my water bottle with the cold stuff. To stay hydrated, I'm tapping into the complimentary tea bags at work and will be steeping strong. I'm encouraging the guy to do the same.
+ Southern Comfort
I'm talking Southern comfort, not Southern discomfort. I'm bound to be trying new foods this year as I spend the holiday season in the South for the first time. The past few years I've been blessed with consistent paleo-friendly holidays and mom's light cooking, but this year I'll be taking 'courtesy tastes' of everything I've been missing out on and doing my best to not insult anyone when I don't return for more of everything. No matter how good, buttery or this-is-my-last-meal-ever-y those new tastes are against my lips, I'm practicing plate portions this holiday season.
+ Tropical Thoughts
The office welcomes a brand new gym this week, just in time to combat the Halloween candy we've all been sneaking for the past month. There's no showers available for the grand opening so this new location will be an evening treat. I'm thinking of the time I spend in the work gym as a meeting with my muscles. The man-friend is excited to spend a little less time on the cardio machines and more time hoopin' with the guys. The biggest win about this after work meeting is that I won't feel so bad to get home and straight into some cozy men's clothing to start the night off right.
+ Tea-rrific!
Drinking every last drop of cold filtered water may be everything I want in the summer, but once I'm wearing layers and blankets just to keep warm at work - I'm sometimes known to wear gloves - I can't stand to replenish my water bottle with the cold stuff. To stay hydrated, I'm tapping into the complimentary tea bags at work and will be steeping strong. I'm encouraging the guy to do the same.
+ Southern Comfort
I'm talking Southern comfort, not Southern discomfort. I'm bound to be trying new foods this year as I spend the holiday season in the South for the first time. The past few years I've been blessed with consistent paleo-friendly holidays and mom's light cooking, but this year I'll be taking 'courtesy tastes' of everything I've been missing out on and doing my best to not insult anyone when I don't return for more of everything. No matter how good, buttery or this-is-my-last-meal-ever-y those new tastes are against my lips, I'm practicing plate portions this holiday season.
+ Tropical Thoughts
Instead of feeling like we can just wear looser clothes to hide the winter layers in the new year we've been talking about the possibility of somewhere warm, bright and with tropical rum drinks a'plenty. Having these palm trees in our dreams will stop us from going back for seconds - or thirds - this gluttonous holiday season.
What about you? What are you doing this winter to keep your body, mind and spirit in the right place so that you're not just jumping on the wagon for January 1st?

Love the term muscle meeting, lady! All smart things to do, I'm proud of your efforts!
I am going to try so, so very hard this holiday season to keep my portions under control. But also to eat slower and enjoy what's on my plate versus scarfing everything down so that I can go back for seconds. Hopefully that will help keep things in check!
Staying hydrated is my biggest issue...which is so dumb because it's like rule number one to be healthy ! So I'm going to try your tea idea instead of reaching for the complimentary soda that work provides !
considering i sit in traffic for nearly ONE HOUR 6 days a week just do muay thai, pretty sure nothing else is worse than that. well, maybe a snow storm but i would drive through that anyway to do it, that's how much i love it!!
Yes yes...let's get a hold of the holiday season before it gets a hold on us! I remind myself that a sweater and legging only covers so much! I drink two cups of tea every day at work during the week and am trying really hard to be good during the week and allow a few indulgences on Saturday when I am off and can enjoy it! I hope you get to taste pineapple casserole this holiday season. Surely someone you encounter will have it as a tradition?! It is my favorite southern discovery. Totally taste all of it!
Well you are correct that NO goal is too small, no training too little, to link up here. We're happy to have you always :)
I love this list of ways to live your life happy and healthy, rather than an unattainable plan of how to completely change your whole life to live in a way that's not practical—the latter is a trap a lot of us fall into at sometime or another. Courtesy tastes, I love it! I'll have to remember that too. Oh and my new goal is to slim down small enough to fit in your suitcase for the tropical vacation ;)
Yay for muscle meetings!! I wish we had a gym at my job. That would be so helpful. lol Living in Florida I don't have to deal with the temps being too crazy but they still get cold. So I'm hoping I can keep my running consistent during that time. Also, I'm currently in the process of switching my coffee for tea a few times a week so keep steeping! :)
We always talk about having tropical destination as our motivation for getting in shape. We just haven't actually made that plan happen or stuck to it. I keep telling myself I'm going to get back on the workout wagon but it's getting so dark and cold now! So fingers crossed the portion control thing can be my friend this season.
all the tea!! i so drink more tea as it gets cooler, it warms me up from the inside. muscle meetings! haha love it. KC and I are planning on a hot weather destination next year, so I'm keeping that in my sights so i don't eat ALL the food over the holidays / winter. hoping it helps!
Love that you're calling it muscle meetings!! With our impending move in about a week and a half, I'm a little too tied up for my meetings these days, but I can't wait until I'm back to it! Also, yes for tea when the weather changes!
Good call with the tea!
Muscle meetings! Love it. That makes gym time sound way less intimidating. Good luck during your first southern holiday season...maybe since you're not from here you don't have the gene that makes us want to douse everything in butter and it will be easier for you to avoid?
I was very interested to read your blog and I agree that it is more difficult to keep motivated to exercise in the winter months. I have swapped my usual cycling with going to the gym and cycling on an exercise bike. I am training for a long distance cycle next summer and find that this helps me keep my fitness in winter.
Catarina @ Wild Fitness
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