There's been so many questions arising from the photos on my instagram feed lately that I thought I'd come back from my blogging hiatus and help fill some of the gaps for you.
You want to know about my hair, right?
This weekend I went in to get my hair done for the first time since Easter and my only ask was to "clean it up a bit" and "get the color richer for fall". From my vague high-maintenance explanation of exactly what I wanted, Emmanuel took that as his cue to take full creative control over my tresses. Normally this would be a terrifying thing - but if you've seen the beautiful art that is Brooke's hair you'd also be able to sit worry-free in a chair and hear summer hiking stories and learn about meat markets in your city that you had no idea existed. All while your hair was soaking up the dark and rich color it's been craving for so long.
After color, cut and styling I looked in the mirror and was thrilled. Thrilled to have no trace of highlights in my hair for the first time in three years. Thrilled to still have the length I've been working hard to grow out. Thrilled that it was a beautiful day in the city and I now had that fresh-cut confidence to roam around my favorite places in downtown Portland for the morning. Silly to think that I was going to head straight home to my sweats for some NFL viewing.
Left: Easter 2014
Right: September 2014
The real question is:
Why do I hold a drink in my hand when I take my haircut selfies?
Truth is, I can't answer that.
Best news is that the morning-after style wasn't a total wreck. In fact the only wreck about this photo is that it's a car selfie #hatingmyself.
Oh, ha-ha my mistake - you're wanting to know about my little escape south of the border two weeks ago? Or the massive bouquet of flowers that were delivered to me at work "just because". Or maybe that beautiful sunrise photo?
Sorry about that. Looks like we're run out of time and you'll have to wait for tomorrow!

you hair looks amazing
Can't wait to get filled in on the rest!!
Your hair looks great--perfect for Fall!!
haha you tease! Love the hair - you look beaut babe!
AWWW YAY you're back!!! AGAIN! I miss ya! Love the hair and flowers, so fun!
Your hair does look amazing.... but you suck!!!
you betch.
your hair looks fabulous - love the richer colour!
You tease!
Your hair looks awesome! I've been thinking about a cut, but terrified of losing the length that I've come to like. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!
You're such a betch! Don't be such a teeeeeeease!!!
You're a jerk.
Ok, not really. Your hair looks FABULOUS and you sure look happy :)
Pretty hair, Pretty you!
ahah love this. you're cute. love the hair!
lolz. love you. you look beautiful.
I'd take hair selfies too if it looked like that... but no such luck here!
Loving your hair! Such a great color!
Your hair looks awesome, girl! Like chocolate! :)
you would.
when i come up to visit you and brooke, i am booking a hair appointment with this emmanuel guy, because he's obviously amazing. love your hair. love love love it!
Why am I not surprised that you only talked about your hair in this post? ;D I guess I will have to come back tomorrow for some details. Love the hair color and cut by the way! Looks so good on you!
Is that an engagement ring?!?!?!?
Love your new hair color. And I'm super jealous of your hair style. I have this weird piece of hair in the front that likes to separate itself from the rest and just looks weird when I do the whole side swept thing. But seeing your pictures makes me want to give it a try again.
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