Monday, January 26, 2015

The Girls Weekend

This weekend the Pacific Northwest decided to show off it's beauty by teasing everyone with sun, warmth and good spring-like vibes. I can't remember any days in January that have ever been so beautiful and it was an amazing feeling to leave the jacket at home and get out into the world for some fresh air. 

Not only was the weather awesome, I was lucky enough to spend a few days with family and minimal work demands. Me, mom and the golden sisters enjoyed the sunny weather with walking, talking, upgrading and eating good clean Paleo while dad and brother were enjoying a guys weekend up north in Seattle. 

Weekends like these make me so thankful for the relationship that my mom and I have built over our years together. We made it through the bratty teenage years, the you-don't-know-anything years, the you-know-everything-but-I-still-don't-want-to-hear-you years and even the scary time where I wanted nothing to do with my mom for reasons that only I was responsible for driving between us. Thank goodness that scary window of time was only a few short months, but being that it hasn't been a year since that time and that we have come out of it on the other side so strong just fills my heart and makes me value the crazy strong importance of family. 

Weekends like these also make me realize I don't spend nearly enough time with the ones I love. These times remind me that I need to keep finding ways to "fill the tank" with the good vibes from good people. There's been too much drain, run-around, worry, stress, and empty promises for this girl and the name of the game is "Avoid People that Suck". 

You'll always find people that suck (energy, time, life, just plain suck), but when you find the ones that you can trust to do you good, hold on tight and make it a point to fill your life with their positive energy. Also make it a point to not be the "suck" in others lives. It's just the right thing to do. 

Moral of the story: Don't be a suck.


P!nky said...

YAY! So glad you spent time with the lovely ladies in your life. I had a sister mama date too, and it was wonderfully fun. Crazy how bad the days of fighting with our moms [and sisters] were, right? I feel SOO bad sometimes, I just wanna apologize for my teenage self. UGH!

Double UGH on the suck people. It's no fun having a friend that drains the life out of you, day in and day out. It's the worst. I got rid of my suck, thankfully!

DON'T BE THE SUCK! I love it!

Marisa @ Uproot from Oregon said...

I am so happy you had a lovely weekend with your gem of a mom and those golden sisters.

Now come to Denver for your next reboot!!!

Bitzy said...

Family is awesome and it's always wonderful to get together with the ones who've seen us through all the good and bad and ugly-duckling-unmentionable-fashion-choices periods of our lives. It's great that you have intentionally fostered a good relationship with your mom. Mother-daughter relationships can be tough but they're so valuable.

Also, jealous of your weather, east coast is pretty sucky right now

Helene in Between said...

sometimes you just have to surround yourself with good people. glad you did that :)

justmeng said...

Love you, Jessi Girl ... This Mom couldn't have a better daughter!

Shenine joon said...

LoL! Agreed don't be a suck! :) I have a fantastic relationship with my mom too and I'm so so thankful for it.

MacKensie said...

Love you, lady. Keep those positive vibes going!

Amanda - Voyage of the MeeMee said...

Love your "fill the tank" analogy. So true!

Kenzie Smith said...

Spending time with loved ones who are awesome is definitely the perfect way to spend a weekend! Glad you guys were able to get together and have fun :D

Unknown said...

Yes. I love this. Don't be a suck. Glad you had a great weekend!

Kay R. said...

haha dont be a suck! I love it. Yay for girls weekends and for positive people in your life. We need it!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I'll do my best!