As you've seen us all rave about, I finally got to meet Melissa (hey new blog layout!!) in person over the weekend here in Portland.
Meeting someone in person for the first time after corresponding over the internet is more cool than it is weird, but really forces the issue that you are a real person in real life with real quirks. Sure, if I was just meeting Melissa for coffee I could mask some of the weird to not scare her away, but when she's sleeping across the hall and we're doing all the things together in a jam-packed weekend - there's nothing I can hide.
Here's some Hey, I Just Met You Confessions that were spotlighted this epic weekend!
:: My inability to parallel park under "pressure".
:: My inability to wake up to alarms. Multiple alarms. Multiple loud alarms.
:: My Messy Messy Messy car that made it awkward to fit 4 people comfortably.
:: How I didn't realize I could use my tea kettle to boil water for some sleepy time tea
:: My willingness to #notpaleo so hard when I'm out entertaining.
:: The way I take the "scenic route" when I don't know which way to drive.
:: My ability to lose credit cards, wallets, keys and other personal items.
:: How I can't say "bag" like a normal person. It's something more like "baieyg".
:: My personal life is deeper than the blog life I share.
Link up with Kathy for Hump Day!
Or just stare at Ian SoDamnHotter for anther minute like I do for this link up.

If it makes you feel any better I can be really awkward in person too ;D I say bagel, vague, and tour wrong apparently. I drive John nuts with it ha ha!
WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. I can't wait to be weird together. BUY YOUR TICKET CUZ IM TOO POOR. kloveyoubye.
How fun to meet up with other bloggers!! I totally agree, whenever we meet someone new we try to be on good behavior and then notice all of our funny quirks.
Haha I can hardly parallel park when I'm alone let alone under in I can't...either way...
Parallel parking under pressure is seriously the worst.thing.ever.
P.S. I'm coming to Portland so I can be weird with you. It might be next year, but damnit, it will happen!
So to hear you lost your wallet. I can't parallel park at all.
I know what you mean about parallel parking under pressure. I can do a parking everyday for a year but as soon as someone new is in the car I'm all awkward lol
I can't parallel park under pressure either, so no worries :)
Good spelling of your pronunciation of bag...I totally know how you say it now (maybe it's the speech therapist in me lol).
asians were born without the ability to parallel park. or drive. the end.
thanks for linking up!
Vodka and Soda
I had to parallel park for Mark the other night....I'm going to hold onto that one for a little while for sure ;-)
I totally don't believe you are awkward or anything, I just can't wait to hang out with you...and be awesome together!!!
I never had to learn to parallel park so I'm screwed if I ever go anywhere that needs it...
Meeting blog friends is so much fun!
I say all kinds of things weird. I blame the southern accent, it's inescapable.
cheers to meat. that is all ;)
well now i want to hear you say bag.
i am the best parallel parker you ever did meet, except when there are cars waiting. hell no.
When no one is watching.. I am a super parallel parker.. Like bing bam zoom I'm in.. But, when someone is in the car... I swear, it's performance anxiety!
Parking and left turns with someone else in the car = my nightmare. I get all panicked under the pressure.
Hahaha, I'm the SAME with parallel parking. Sure, I can do it if I'm on a deserted street with no one in the car, but otherwise nope. ;)
These are great! I also lose things frequently or forget them places..
Happy Humpday!!
sometimes I can't regular park when there's no pressure.... I also basically live out of my car so I always panic when people ask me to drive!
Hahaha! You are not alone on the parallel parking, I am the exact same, panic sets in...
Now I want a video of you saying bag... Snpachat!!!
I cant do anything under 'pressure' aka if people are with me LOL
I can't parallel park in any situation. So sad. Now I have Call Me Maybe stuck in my head!
I think we all are a bit deeper than what we share on the blog! And yeah... I lose my stuff all.the.time- it's so annoying!
we need a video of you saying bag. I think I'm pretty awkward myself, believe me!!
kind of. but all of that stuff happened. but it's okay because I say SAHRRY instead of Sorry apparently. But your parallel parking was phenom *cough cough*
I wish I was still across the hall :(
I get it - I get all of this. Especially the, "Let me drive you around for 25 minutes when it would normally only take me 3, but you need to see EVERYTHING."
I've had 5 different bloggers stay with me. It gets easier/less scary every time!
parallel parking is the worst!
totally pulled a jessi last night! still giving myself a hard time about it
We're all a little weird but that's what makes us awesome. I can't parallel park unless someone is telling me what to do and when to do it. Thankfully I don't have to do it often, like ever.
I love this and want to do something similar so badly!!
The only thing worse than not being able to say a word correctly is having someone point it out. I try to avoid saying pizza in public because I always inevitably pronounce it peek-sa :/
Thank god you're pretty. ;P
haha still hasnt deterred me. I still wish I could meet you. As for the car thing, mine is messy too!
Looks like you had a fun weekend. Really nice pic of you at the top of the post.
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