Hi blog world, what have you been up to?
I've been away for a week with work and play but won't miss confessions even if it means staying up a little past bedtime to tell them.
FIRST thing to mention is that Melissa is coming to Portland tomorrow for a long and amazing weekend. I can't explain how excited I am to hug her in real life after months of internet hugs and snapchat selfies. Get excited!!!!
:: I've never bought my own fireworks and really prefer it that way. Blow up my money? boo! Watch other people burn their money? Awesome!
:: 4th of July has always been a depressing day for me. From not being invited to BBQ's, not having any friends at my new school, not feeling comfortable in my own skin on a hot day, not wanting to be stuck in a crowd after a big show - it's always a life re-defining day that's made me sad when I should be in awe of the explosions in the sky.
This year was like a make up for years and years of disappointment with a promise of years and years of happiness to come.
This year was like a make up for years and years of disappointment with a promise of years and years of happiness to come.
:: These are the most amazing tweezers I've ever encountered in my entire life. I think I'm addicted to tweezing my lady-hairs eyebrows.
:: I got caught in the staircase at the gym yesterday taking this selfie. Like the good blogger / selfie-taker I am, I didn't budge, didn't blush and didn't apologize. Just smirked and snapped the photo.
:: I thought that I missed a link-up that I'm co-hosting yesterday.... but turns out it's actually happening on Thursday - you should go check out the details for every Thursday in July on my fitness blog!
Also... sup, shark week?
Link up with Kathy!!!

How exciting that Melissa is going to spend the weekend in Portland with you!!
I am the same way with fireworks - I love watching them but I won't spend my money on them. They are just too expensive!
P.S. I would have totally invited you to spend the 4th with us :D
so exciting that melissa is going to meet up with you gals!! i'm so jealous :)
fireworks are pretty but they make me mad because it's SO LATE when they go off. why can't they have them at like, 4pm?? #oldhagstatus
thanks for linking up!
Vodka and Soda
Getting caught taking a gym selfie is like a badge of honor! Totally worth it because you know the workout was a good one! Cheers to great workouts and to the July Challenge!
I thought yesterday was Wednesday and I couldn't figure out why Kathy hadn't posted the link up. Days are confusing. I totally get it.
hey lady, i have missed you! i have never bought fireworks either, and i'm not a huge fan of them anyway. those tweezers are amazing! my fave. also i love that selfie so much.
Yay for blogger meet up. I glad you had a great 4th of July.
Ahh missed you! I wouldnt buy fireworks either! For our independence day we go to view fireworks at night. Im glad you are in a good place and were able to enjoy it!
Love getting caught mid selfie, but I just can't at the gym or after I look awful, not cute like you
Hahahaha I get so embarrassed if I get caught taking a selfie!
So I just realized that you live in Portland and my cousin ALSO lives in Portland...I will someday visit him and when that happens....maybe we could hang as well!!! Omg we could make car snaps together! Haha. And your headphones in that selfie. ADORABLE! Love them so much! Have a fab day, girl!
I am so jealous you get to meet Melissa!! WAH!
i totally feel ya about all of those 4th of july concerns, literally my exact memories! I am glad this one was a good one :)
Haha get on with your selfies girl, love it! I agree on fireworks, I'll just watch others ;)
Ok, those tweezers ROCK. I have the dark red (with a hint of glimmer) and the black crosses. I LOVE THEM and freak if they get lost (i always place them in random areas because I too am obsessed with doing my eye brows).
haha getting caught taking a selfie.. so proud that you just didn't think twice! i would have been embarrassed!
4th of July has always been my "hardest on myself day." Not this year. Not next year. :)
So jealous of you and Melissa's real life hangouts!!
Also, you are so brave/awesome for not even flinching while taking that selfie! I would have pretended I was texted or something. I'm a huge wimp!
Haha, I'm with you! I'll stick to watching other people blow up their money, and enjoy it!
YAY for your friend VISITING! SO MUCH FUN!
And I love your selfie! It says... I just kicked some butt!
Oh and I'm with you 10000% other people blowing up their money.. is exactly the way I like it!
Yay for IRL blogger friend weekend! Great selfie and at that point- who wants to pretend you weren't taking one? haha :)
so glad to hear that 4th this year was a good one. and you can't apologize for that selfie bc it's so cute!
Hey Jess!! Thats awesome that this 4th was awesome for you!! :D I am also due for new tweezers and will keep a lookout for those for sure!! Cute pic too, love that you didn't even care!! :)
LOL at getting caught taking a selfie, but I love that you didn't flinch! I'm super shy so I would have definitely blushed. haha
Bahaha - "'sup shark week" - LOVE IT.
Once I start with the lady hairs I can go forever ;)
I always feel guilty taking selfies and then I remember the age we live in lol!!
in a non (or not) sexual way.
hurrrrry up and get here already, Melissa!
I have the same tweezers. I completely agree!
That is so fun that Melissa is coming to meet you guys!!!
Go you and your selfie taking self!
I've never paid for fireworks either. And I really wish my neighbors would quit with theirs already! Its been a few days now...save them for next year!
Lady hairs and shark week. Yes, just yes.
Hey girl, heeeeey blood buddies bahaha
Rock that selfie girl.
Have an awesome weekend!!!
Gah - I feel the same way about 4th of July so I've decided that next year I'm finally making my own fun! You're welcome to join :-) I am determined to make plans and enjoy my 20s while I can!
Those are the only tweezers I'll use! And I hear you on the fireworks.. I think I've only bought sparklers which are like $5!
You know that person went back and took their own selfie in the staircase later to be like you
I LOVE that selfie!
Have fun with Melissa!! Although I am SUPER jealous all you girls get to hang out!
I totally got busted taking a selfie at the gym the other day! I was in spin class and just kept snapping until I got a good one!
Ohh I think I'll get those tweezers. Thomas has been asking me to get better ones! Thanks for the suggestion!
Selfie Taking Level: EXPERT.
Also? Hi friend! :)
Ha! I've never bought my own fireworks either.
Love that you got caught taking a selfie and just kept going lol
pretty pretty girl. how do you manage to look that good at the gym? so jealous about melissa's visit. I swear I'm going to make it to portland one of these days!!!
I've been meaning to buy a tweezer to have at my apartment and I think I'm going to look for the tweezers you have now. Don't worry, I use the tweezers at my parents' so the stray hairs don't run wild.
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