Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Trophies

Can I be a Wednesday only blogger?

Meaning one big bang of confessions with Melissa and all my greatest blog friends, where the mood would always be light, there'd be no subtext or worry, plenty of photos, lot's of links and gaggles of gifs!

Today's confessions could go so many different directions, but I thought I'd reserve the day for my MCM (Muscle Crush Monday) photo. Haha. Dang why didn't I think of "muscle crush monday" when I posted this? The best I could come up with was Gains > MCM everything.

Not only did I get instagram love, I had office love all day long: "How did you do it?," "Where did those come from?", "I saw your guns, I'm not going to mess with you", "Are you changing up your workouts?"

to which I say, "wait you don't follow me on instagram?" ha.


:: It's easy to photograph muscle when you're flexing.
:: Black / white filter makes the gains look deeper.
:: It was actually leg day when I took this.
:: Nutrition and hydration are the foundation, weight lifting is the cherry on top.
:: The smirk is the best part of the whole photo.
:: No, real real best part is my pretty hidden bird for anyone who doesn't think strong is beautiful.
:: After all that demystifying, yes I do actually have those muscles and I work hard for them.

The confession? I still can't do a pull up.

These arms, while aggressive in the photo above, have been a part of a bigger plan. When I only pack a tank top option for the gym I'm reminded of how far I've come. "Making" these arms has been a way to erase years of insecurities, a way to turn my insecurities into trophies, a way to change the way I feel about my entire body and a pretty great way to expand my warm weather wardrobe.

I don't want to become a body builder, I don't want to get "jacked" and I don't walk around all day with this flex game. I walk around confidently and that's what matters.

Speaking of muscles, I tuned into Miss Universe after some pretty funny live tweets (no, funny Bachelor tweets don't cause the same reaction) and was a little surprised to not see more booty, more legs, more arms, more abs. Not saying for a single second that these women weren't gorgeous, poised and of course sophisticated - but after all of the squatspo I'm exposed to I've formed a specific view of what a woman's body looks like when she "takes care of it".

Full circle - life isn't just what we see on instagram.

Yep, that's all I've got. What do you think Channing?

Making Melissa

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Girls Weekend

This weekend the Pacific Northwest decided to show off it's beauty by teasing everyone with sun, warmth and good spring-like vibes. I can't remember any days in January that have ever been so beautiful and it was an amazing feeling to leave the jacket at home and get out into the world for some fresh air. 

Not only was the weather awesome, I was lucky enough to spend a few days with family and minimal work demands. Me, mom and the golden sisters enjoyed the sunny weather with walking, talking, upgrading and eating good clean Paleo while dad and brother were enjoying a guys weekend up north in Seattle. 

Weekends like these make me so thankful for the relationship that my mom and I have built over our years together. We made it through the bratty teenage years, the you-don't-know-anything years, the you-know-everything-but-I-still-don't-want-to-hear-you years and even the scary time where I wanted nothing to do with my mom for reasons that only I was responsible for driving between us. Thank goodness that scary window of time was only a few short months, but being that it hasn't been a year since that time and that we have come out of it on the other side so strong just fills my heart and makes me value the crazy strong importance of family. 

Weekends like these also make me realize I don't spend nearly enough time with the ones I love. These times remind me that I need to keep finding ways to "fill the tank" with the good vibes from good people. There's been too much drain, run-around, worry, stress, and empty promises for this girl and the name of the game is "Avoid People that Suck". 

You'll always find people that suck (energy, time, life, just plain suck), but when you find the ones that you can trust to do you good, hold on tight and make it a point to fill your life with their positive energy. Also make it a point to not be the "suck" in others lives. It's just the right thing to do. 

Moral of the story: Don't be a suck.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Missing In Action January

Well hello and Happy New Year! 

Sure it's well past the middle of January but this is my first post of 2015 so I can still get away with well wishes for the new year. 

I want to start off the new year with a thank you to my loyal readers and anonymous peekers who've been poking around JumpingJE waiting patiently for me to publish something. For what? To give up my whereabouts, to see if I'm still in a relationship since I stopped Man-Crush-Monday'ing on instagram, to see what I got for Christmas gifts? I may never know why you've been checking in so much, but felt that showing up for unconventional confessions on Wednesday would be a pretty great way to break the ice.

Let's tell a story about my adventures. 

Christmas started off with a bang - and not the magical fireworks kind of bang, but more of the what-is-going-on-with-my-life-right-now-and-how-did-I-get-here kind. We're still sorting all of those feelings out, but it's safe to say that I (once again) was the center of attention on Christmas - even though it was my brother's first time home for Christmas in 5 years. Sorry family, thanks for understanding this drama-llama world. I don't understand it but I'm happy you do. 

The only thing missing from my Christmas story was the hallway selfie mirror I've really been wishing for. Nothing that a fun new pair of leggings can't fix - I even took them out for a spin for coffee with my sweetest lady, Marisa.  

Christmas passed and I had no decorations to take down, which was pretty amazing because in no time at all I was on a plane again. This time I was headed across the country for sixteen days of work, work and more work. 

You, my friends, had no early notice on this one and neither did I! I found out about this trip on Christmas Eve and had a heck of a time deciding what to pack for two weeks away in Memphis including New Years with the guy while also trying to make a pretty awesome impression at work. Yes - boyfriend is still around despite the absence of MCM'ing about him week-in and week-out. Don't take it personally, b! 

What did I pack? Something old, something new, something borrowed and something to work out in. Okay I may have brought a few things to work out in and none of them were touched a single time. Whoops. I did bring some cozy knits and a beautiful NYE dress though! 

You may want photo evidence of my adventures but there's nada. Zip zilch nada, not even an image worth sharing from my time away because I was in the office each day for 10-14 hours kicking butt and taking names. Well there may be one photo but that's not going on my blog - it was a picture of the worst bathroom stall I've ever almost used in my life - there was no spot for a toilet paper roll... huh?! To be fair it was a new building and a new stall, but really - how is the TP roll left out of the design sketches?

I made it back home with nothing to show but a pile of laundry and a bunch of clean workout clothes. My parents were amazing as always and fixed up my house with groceries, a made bed and fresh flowers. I really don't deserve it all but someday I'll pay it forward. 

Oh don't forget the part where I completely busted my iPhone and thank my impulsive self for getting the Apple Care because now I have a shiny brand new one! 

After all of that nonsense it was this that got me through the last 25 days. A simple print I'd read a thousand times but never really understood until I needed it. Thanks mom for always giving me wisdom even when it's not intentional. 

Peace and Love and Humpday with Melissa <3

Making Melissa