So I mentioned on Monday that my face swelled up on vacation, remember?
There were several things going on all at once that I was unable to diagnose what exactly had happened.
I ate some almonds Wednesday that made my throat scratchy. I had some shrimp Wednesday and I’ve never been allergic before - but my mom is. I woke up to a red-hot ear in the middle of the night and I had a sunburn on my entire face from zero use of sunscreen my first day of vacation in the pool.
All I knew is that I woke up Thursday morning with fluid underneath my eyes and zero desire to put my contacts in or really do anything all day except sit inside and play on my laptop.
I didn’t leave the condo once that day and here’s why:
Ahh! Scary isn’t she?
This was the worst that it got, and it didn’t help that right above that was my peeling flaky forehead that I took care of with a wet washcloth.
While that was the worst, I found some doppelgängers of the other stages I went through and need your help to vote on which is the better side-by-side.
Was I better as option A: Sid the Sloth from Ice Age?
Or better as option B: This Derp-face Sloth from the Goonies?
Please say Sid!!
Friday morning we noticed some puncture marks on my ear which all point to a bug (spider?) bite and explains the heat I felt on my ear in the middle of the night. It’s all cleared up now and I’m happy I didn’t have anyone to impress on vacation. Not even a mother could love that face (although mine tried to).
Yay for embarrassing internet photos!

HAHA oh my god. My friend ate some bad shrimp and he looked identical to will smith in hitch when his face gets swollen
YIKES! It sounds like it may have been a combo of hit the perfect storm for face blowing up!
I had a sunburn really bad on my forehead once that swelled and slowly drained down my face (until it hit nose area then it went away), so I can totally relate.
Definitely more Sid! haha
OMG you look nothing like either one of them but the second one is pretty hilarious! I mean, expression-wise, you nailed it!
EEEEK! No fun at all, but man, you have a great sense of humor. You look nothing like those dudes, but thanks for making me laugh :)!
LOL Sid, he's the best. My face actually looked so similar to this when I ate a combo of raw almonds, walnuts, and pecans. :( Sucks that it happened on your vacay!
Eek! Sorry your face was swollen. I say you look like neither. You're prettier than they are :-)
you might have a spider bite allergic. I'm glad you are feeling better. I have a Spider allergic and it no fun when the bite me. My face has look like you before.
You and Sid are both adorable! But, in your own ways. No similarities ;)
Yikes for the swelling though. I'm glad it went down quickly and that it sounds like you didn't have much pain, other than the heat in your ear!
OMG That is insane! I can't believe how much it swelled! Last summer a black fly bit me on the eye and my eye swelled up to the size of a golf can be seen here:
I had sun poisoning once and looked like that, but I say Sid.. def Sid! Glad you are doing better.
bahaha oh lord, glad you didn't die by bug bite. in other news i hope you get made into a meme like helene did ;)
haha oooomg! that is just terrible! but at least it didn't happen right before you had a super important meeting or something, i guess?
ohhhh sloth!
Dang, that's a pretty crazy combination of things. Yikes. I'm allergic to shrimp and crab and have had my face swell up like that. Not fun, not fun at all.
i'd def go with chunk.
Acckk! That sucks that it happened on vacation, but glad you're back to normal! You definitely have a better sense of humor about it than I would have! :)
Oh my gosh girl! First off, glad you're ok, that's crazy. Second, I love your sense of humor, I really do! You're so funny :) You don't look like either of them, much cuter.
OMG! If I absolutely have to choose I would go with Sid. The expression alone is hilarious.
I'm glad that it's all cleared up now :)
Aww poor girl! Gotta love random spider bites.... eek!
Dude, it's crazy how much you swelled up! That's too scary that you don't know what it's from either. When I was in high school I was bit by a spider on my nose. I was so swollen that my eyes were nearly shut for a week. It was hilarious! Picture day was that week too which was perfect ;)
Hope you're feeling better and settling in from vacay. I just booked a trip to my own little paradise in July. Can't wait for some palm trees and poolside fun!
Definitely SID!
I've never seen you look more beautiful.
Hmmmm okay, sid. You look like sid! :)
Hmmmm okay, sid. You look like sid! :)
Damn that's just crazy. I would have been freaking out and thought I was dying. I always think I'm dying though. Lol.
Oh my gosh you poor thing!! Are you going to go to see if you're allergic to as not to have this happen again when perhaps you're on vacay with a super hot man! LOL
GOOD LORD!! You poor thing!! I wonder what it was..
First of all Im not sure how Im just seeing this post... and second are you ok??? You poor thing! At least you have a sense of humour about it. Oh and PS I think you dont look like either ... you're far too cute!
you poor thing!! glad it is all sorted now. you dont look like either, but sid is pretty cute!
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