I was all kinds of excited to come into work today with a tan glow that my co-workers would envy. However, like all people who don’t apply enough sunscreen, my sun-kissed skin quickly adapted to the Portland climate and graciously began to shed and peel and all those other sexy things that happen to burnt skin.
Literally, it’s like a crime scene in my sheets and I can’t wear black all week because it’ll look like dandruff everywhere.
No, that’s not confetti. That’s dead skin. Thanks for asking.
I feel like I forgot to write after taking a week off, so let’s get back in the swing of things with an easy version of Things I Learned this weekend with miss Katie.
+ Taking a Friday night red-eye is my jam - duh because we all know I covet my Friday night naps.
+ There is a direct correlation between happiness and palm trees. More trees, more happy.
+ Brother genuinely enjoyed having us there to surprise him.
+ Having a girlfriend looks good on my brother. It was the first family trip with no sibling quarrels.
+ Less is more when it comes to drinking poolside rum and vodka.
+ Eating paleo does not soak up the rum and vodka I mentioned above. Fried bread does.
+ It’s harder taking selfies when your face swells up for no obvious reason.
+ Googling “Swollen Face Belize” is not a good idea for the hypochondriac in me. I’m on bug-infestation watch for the next two weeks now because of it.
+ You can win $1,000 from picking which square a chicken is going to poop on.
+ My mom is very animated after drinking 3 beers and winning aforementioned $1,000 from a chicken pooping on her square.
I’ve read over and over how you guys hate vacation recaps (and book reviews) so I’ll spare you the “mark as read”.
If you do want to read some of the backstory I spied my mom typing up her Monday recap on our flight back into the states!
I came, I saw, I snorkeled, I regulated (my Karaoke song).
And now I’m peeling.….. and maybe dreaming of my next tropical adventure.

From the photos on instagram - Belize is an absolute dream and paradise! I feel ya on the burn and peeling - story of my life on beach vacations!! Welcome back!
Ugh the dreaded peeling… Sounds like a perfect vaca!!
Looks like you had a blast! Love it! And Yay to Ang for winning $1000!! Also your brother girlfriend is just too cute. Glad it all went well!
sounds like you are had an absolute blast!! but i will say less is not more (for me) when drinking poolside!
I LOVE RECAPS!!! They are some of my favorite posts ever!
So glad you had a great trip! I can't believe you can win money betting on chicken poop, so weird!
Glad you are back, we missed ya!
me and my (miami) burned crotch can surely attest to the "less is more" thing in the alcohol area.
Vodka and Soda
I hate when my skin peels. I hope it stop for you soon. Welcome back to the blogland.
I hate when my skin peels. I hope it stop for you soon. Welcome back to the blogland.
You found the one thing Paleo is not good for! And I would think your mom would totally get selfies now, since she's a blogger, haha. The chicken poop game is hilarious. Now I want to go to Belize just to play that...
Oh man I hate when my skin peels. Luckily I haven't had to deal with that yet even though I got a slight sunburn a few weeks ago.
Sounds like you had a great time in Belize except for the swollen face incident. Google is not your friend when it comes to something like that.
I wholeheartedly agree with your palm tree happiness correlation! Glad you guys had so much fun!
Haha glad you had fun! Skin peeling sucks :(
What! Who hates vacation recap posts?! Pfft! Those haters. Vacation recap posts are awesome! I want more! And more pictures!
I also want to win $1000 for betting a chicken pooping on a square.
Sounds like you had a great time! The hardest part about vacation is coming back :)
Congrats to your mom!! That is awesome! Glad you guys had a good time - and I completely agree with your palm tree/hapiness ratio!
So cool you got to go to Belize!
I switched it to my Chicken poop win. Recap tomorrow!
Sounds like you had a great trip!! I can also be a hypochondriac sometimes, so I'm with you on that lol avoid googling anything!! ;)
happy you're hooome :)
why were there no photos of your swollen face?!
hahahah after having a 'cheat weekend' and a case of budlight and a bottle of fireball...we noticed too that paleo doesnt help a hangover quite as well as a big juicy burger!
Agreed with Brooke... how come we didn't get a swollen face snapchat?! Hahah. This sounds like it was an awesome vacation, and I don't know who you're referencing because I love vacation recaps!! xo hope your Monday isn't too glum after vacation.
bahaha your Mom and that story just made my day- not the swollen fave though...boo :(
Sounds like you had a good vacation!!! (minus the swollen face) And yes, you have to eat some fried things to soak up the alcohol sometimes. It balances out, right?! Sure it does.... :)
PS - Palm trees are my favorite!
"No, that’s not confetti. That’s dead skin." Bahahaha! ME-OW!
I'm a pooping EXPERT... I could've made out like a bandit betting on squares!!!!
I like recaps.. And book reviews.. And chicken poop gambling.
I need to get me some Belize in my life!!! What an awesome vaca. Loved the recap!
Wait what currency was this thousand dollars in???
Ouchie for your sunburns!!! Glad you had fun :) Missed your snapchats!
Hmmm I must be one of the few that actually like vacation recaps and book reviews. Sounds like you had a great vacation though. And palm trees definitely equal happy. How can you not be happy when palm trees are present?!
i want a thousand dollars! who hates vacation recaps and book reviews? boo to those people, i love them and i post them so boo hickey to them. although if it's you, you can ignore my blog for a little while, i shall (not) forgive you.
also, my older brother and i fight like cats and dogs with a mouse thrown in. we didnt fight once this trip, and i attribute it to the fact we both had significant others (ie dont want to embarrass ourselves).
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