I have a crazy silly funny confession for you today and it won't take long at all. I have heard all around blogland what a busy week this has been so I just thank you for coming around. It means a lot to me!
My deep confession all started when I was getting ready for work Monday morning. There was a year-end awards ceremony and I knew that I'd run into a lot of people I knew, so I decided to dress up a little for the occasion.
Everything was going great.
My dress fit well, 2nd day hair wasn't gross, even my hand didn't look awkward in the mirror selfie.
Everything was going great.
My dress fit well, 2nd day hair wasn't gross, even my hand didn't look awkward in the mirror selfie.
The part that caught me a little off guard was when I got into my car and turned the ignition, I realized that I hadn't fully shaved my legs in a year and there were little patches of spots I missed on my knees. The horror!
I didn't want to change my outfit and I didn't have much time to do a proper soap/water shave.
What's a girl to do?
I ran inside, grabbed my razor, jumped back in the car and proceeded to shave the parts that were left behind... slowly... all the way to work.
What's my favorite kind of fish you ask??
It was hilarious and the perfect content for confessions today.
Oh, and it was totally worth all the hassle because I was called on stage to receive a pretty cool award for my serious accomplishments over the past year. The "Just Do It" award means I basically got 'ish done. If you've been reading for 12 months now (Mom, Brooke) you'll remember how challenging and rewarding it's been for me.
Does the statue come with a raise?
Link up for Hump day with Kathy!

I have no idea if I missed something or where the fish come into this....but I'm totally lost!! You looked fab and totally deserved that award!! Way to go girl!!
i pluck errant hairs that i find with my tweezers :D congrats on the award; you totally deserve it!
thanks for linking up!
Vodka and Soda
haha e-fish-ciency! Love it. Congrats on your award and that dress looks so cute!
LOL at your favorite kind of fish!!! That is hilarious!!
I hate when I throw on a dress and then realize that I need to shave.
Congrats on your award!
Haha I like that joke
! And congrats on your achievement! You're kinda a big deal
lol--you made do with what you had and didn't waste any time! Girl after my own heart :)
Congrats! That's an awesome looking award, too! I have had to do the emergency dry shave, but never in the car. You're brave to try it without looking but I'm glad it worked!
haha i was like wtf with the fish. congrats girl, you deserve it! i dont shave for long periods but no shits.
You look fabulous in the dress chica. And way to be smart and efficient! Well done!
Congrats on the award. There been time I have going to work without deodorant on. So now I carry a travel size on me in my purse.
This made me spit coffee out of my nose. Love it! and you look greaaaat in that dress
Awesome and congratulations to you!!!!
I hate when I forget to shave just one or two parts on my legs, so much so that I have become obsessive about it.
Hahah you badass you :) :)
Haha good one! This cracked me up. Congrats on your award, you're a boss ;)
Congrats on your award! That's freaking awesome.
BAAHHH!! That is totally something I could see myself doing. I'm also the queen of forgetting to shave under my arms and not realizing it until I take my blazer off in the afternoon! Opps!
This is my first time here -- but I'll be back!
how did you not get razor burn!? im jealous.
also congrats on your award bro.
Lmao that award fits hahaha congrats!
That statue should definitely come with a raise. Confession: I dry shaved my armpits this morning at the gym before getting my sweat on. Because who wants to see me in my tank otherwise!?
knock on wood. but i still don't know how you haven't gotten in a wreck at this rate lady!!!
Yes, a Raise!
You look so pretty! And um, I confess I totally did that on Monday as well, except I noticed when I was already in the office. Luckily I keep a razor and lotion there for just such instances! Congrats on the award- I hope you get that raise!
haha you are a badass. i honestly would have done the same thing - nothing makes me cringe faster than my own hairy knees
I laughed so hard about your shaving snafu, hilarious! That is such a neat looking trophy! You deserved it :D
BAHAHA I laughed so hard at your shaving pic. I've done this very thing! I blame awful lighting that doesn't accurately reveal any lingering hairs. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! :D
have you seen those little tiny razors to go? They are such life savers especially like right before you need to teach a class and ummmmm yeah ;-)
Been there! And recently I might add- literally went back out to the car bc the sun showed the missed spots better! haha Happy hump day!
Whew, I'm glad it has been a busy week for everyone! I'm so behind on my emails/comments and I've been feeling bad! Congrats on your award lady and love that red dress!!!
haha efficiency funny!! p.s. congrats on the award. why is there no head on the statue?
There is actually a razor in my glovebox from a situation just like this. I think its the natural light that shows those knee hairs so well.
How did you not get razor burn from dry shaving???
But that award is so pretty. Different from others I've seen. Definitely something that will look great on display! Congrats!
Bahahaha... knee patches are the WORST! You're sitting there and the sunlight catches it... GAHHH!
Congratulations, loverface! And way to get them legs silky smooth on the go. ;)
Totally been there with the shaving! Congrats on the award!
Congratulations on the award!
Is it just me, or is that a weird statue to have for the Just Do It award?? Is it an angel without a head? Or am I missing something???
either way, congrats! you deserve it!
HAHAH ef'fish'iency. I like it. I also like the snap fish. YAY for your award!
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