Sometimes you have to get away for the weekend to experience some nature.
After work on Friday I packed up my best hiking gear and headed on a road trip to Bend, OR with a friend for a sweet dose of nature. I'm a pretty outdoorsy lady but don't often make it a point to remove myself from cell reception and breathe the mountain air.
Here's the quick and dirty on what I learned while hiking in Bend this weekend.
Here's the quick and dirty on what I learned while hiking in Bend this weekend.
:: When there's poop on the ground, it came from an animal.
:: When there's poop and toilet paper on the ground, it likely came from a human.
:: Bacon wrapped jalapeƱos are the way to recover from a 4 hour hike.
:: We came, we saw, we walked back down the mountain.
Oh, and this lake view didn't suck either!
Are you linking up with Katie today?

Those photos are amazing! What a great way to enjoy the weekend! We went for a hike too, but it was more nature walk than beautiful mountain adventure!
Happy Monday!
i am SO jelly of this gorgeous hike you went on! there's another girl who lives in seattle who hikes and she also posts the most gorge pics of the mountains etc. I WANT TO HIKE WITH YOU BITCHES!!
Vodka and Soda
hahaha I love your witty commentary on everyday stuff, has me laughing in my office which is much needed on a Monday morning :)
Glad you had such a nice and picturesque weekend. Human and animal poop aside lol
Ohhhhhhhhhhh my, I now have that song stuck in my head, but I like it.
Poop of any kind...eeeewww! Love all your pictures though! :)
I want to go hiking now! Awesome pics, girl. Love the comment about the road-less-traveled views. So true! (The poop-part is true, too, I'm sure...)
Looks like a great place to go hiking.
That waterfall is amazing! I'm not a big hiker (actually I've never been) but this makes me want to try it!
with a friend.......
Kind of jealous you have all of this amazing-ness so close to home! And I need bacon wrapped jalapenos in my life.. ASAP.
Wow, those pics are gorgeous!! I wish I had something like that close by :)
woah woah I just saw Brooke's comment...Is there something you need to share?!?! lol
hahahah to brooke's comment!
you, brooke, and i should do this hike when i come up there. that would be so fun!
those bacon wrapped jalapenos look PHENOMENAL. i need them so bad. and i need to go on a pretty hike!
Awesome pics! What a gorgeous place to hike!
I stole your queue and learned a lot this weekend too!
Beautiful ... We should all live closer to nature.
These pics are amazing!!! SO lovely... and yes poop and toilet paper = humans... it also = gross! haha
Oh my! Those views! I can't believe there is still snow up there?!?! It was so hot I thought I was going to melt like a snow man this past weekend here!
I am cracking up at the toilet paper/human thing! LOL!!!
Wow... love the waterfall pics! And bacon wrapped jalepenos looks and sound delish!
Om nom nom on the baconnnnn. Can't wait to hike together. And look at human feces.
What is that place called? I want to go! On our hike we walked over a bridge like that, I thought it was so neat ha ha. Gorgeous photos!
"When there's poop on the ground, it came from an animal." I meannnnn... ya never know...
Wow! Those pictures are gorgeous! A hike after a long vacation - love it!
Awe I want to chase waterfalls...I'm sick of the rivers and the lakes that I'm used to! ;) love the photos!!!
Both your posts today have spoken to me by way of food. I'm allll about some stuffed jalapenos and this is telling me I need to try some wrapped in BACON!
Breathtaking pictures! I wish I had somewhere like that to hike to! Amazing.
This looks like the most amazing place to go hiking! So beautiful. I love waterfalls!
Seriously these pictures! They are so beautiful!
this looks so amazing, so jealous!
That hike looks amazing! Seriously cracked up with your poop comments hahahahaha
Where is this hike?! I'm going to Bend this weekend... also with a 'friend' hahahaaaa
Wow! Makes me want to go hiking.
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