Since we all had so much fun last week with my swollen face voting - I thought I'd give you something else to vote on today for my Wednesday confessions.
The most important confession you'll see all day:
I couldn't wait for a rest stop to do my duty on the drive back from Central Oregon.
So..... which edit of the incident was best?
#1 When Nature Calls:
#2 Pffffffft KerPlop:
Thanks for your vote! Link up with Kathy if you know what's good for you!

your too cute and funny.
yo, when you gotta go, you gotta go. i did that once when out on a lake so i told my friend: row my ass back as fast as you can and ended up deploying my bidness behind a tree.
thanks for linking up!
Vodka and Soda
I mean, sometimes nature calls…in nature!!!
Oh my gosh you're so funny - this is precisely why I don't camp haha!
When in doubt, squat it out ;)
OMG I wish I had a more eloquent comment but you've left me laughing so hard I can't breathe!
hanks for that.
*thanks. lol
This is too funny! I had to do my business along a highway once. Thank goodness I can laugh about it now!
LOL!!! Best. post. ever!
I'm voting for the first one... because it looks like you're naked underneath. Wait, is that creepy for me to say? ;)
Number two...because it's a number two...
Bahahahaha! You crack me up girl! Best confession ever.
lol k but omg did he take this picture?!?! im dying. i need details.
OOMMMGGG I love you. You are so funny! #2 almost made me spit my yogurt out...
omg girl i am laughing so hard my abs hurt, and i'm still sick and can't breathe properly. i vote #1.
I'm cracking up! Who loves you enough to take those pictures?? lol. I love number one!
I don't even know what to say so I'll leave it at that!
woooow is this real life?!
AHHHH lol you are the best. High five to your hiking companion ;) This is hilariousssss.
I about died laughing. No seriously Im still laughing. like heaving hahah you are too cute and funny and edit number two wins ... because poop face is just the best! Who took that pic??? lol
Well, When Nature Calls, It Calls!! :)
You're hilarious!
The first one. Because it looks like you're naked ;) Not to be a pervert or anything...
LOL!!! I wasn't sure what to expect when I read your title. It wasn't that! LOL!!!!!!!!
Ummm, both of these are amazing. I think I have to go with the first one though.
Haha! This just literally made me laugh out loud!
Bahahahaha... this... this is why I love you!
Hahaha. That is too funny! I've totally squatted behind a tree in Florida when we were waiting for the keys to the rental house we had rented. When you gotta go you gotta go!
LMAO! I was worried you were naked in the first pic when I glanced at it, even more confusing. Thought you were trying out for Naked and Afraid!!
hahaha I will never erase this from my mind
OMG LOL! Love them.
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