Do you remember this month's goal #1: Early work only 5 times this month?
Sorry, how early is early?
For two months I was waking up at 4:15am and showing up to the office bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6am, which was as soon as I was allowed access into the building.
A new month and a new me.
Rather than allow myself to fall into the snooze button trap, I decided to use my familiarity with an early alarm and make the most out of it.
Long ago on the blog I wrote a post about the Benefits of Morning Exercise, and much of how I felt in October of 2012 still holds true today. Working out in the morning is amazing.
There's so much that it can bring to your day!
- Adrenaline
- Accomplishment
- Less worry about when to fit a workout in
- A need for an earlier bedtime
- Incentive to hydrate in the evening
- Feelings of hunger for a whole and balanced breakfast
- Cool air to breathe
- Calm environment to focus
- ZERO stress about what to wear and whether your outfit matches (as long as it's street-visible!)
- You've now earned your shower
So, for the time being, 4:15 - 5:15 is run time and self improvement time rather than the sleep time I'd originally intended to reclaim.
Now if I could just get Dan on the same schedule we'd be quite the pair!
My newest running buddies are 3lb hand weights that honestly do make my arms burn after an hour run. Aside from the burn, the added bonus is that people who see me running with hand weights believe that I'm that much more intense / intimidating / out for my own self-defense.
Who else loves to work out in the morning? What are the reasons you do it {or don't do it!}?
P.S. I've only gone in early 3 times this month - looking forward to no more if I can help it!
I am a predawn runner. I like to be out of the house by 4:30 at the latest. I originally started running at that time because it was the only time I had, due to work, kids, life -- things have quieted down a bit but I still crave the 4:30 run. I love to run when it feels like everyone else is asleep. I usually see more runners by 5:30, but for the most part I'm alone and I love that. Given the wonderfully summer like weather we've been having in Portland the last couple weeks (rain predicted today not included :)) its been especially nice to run in the morning!
Awesome!! That is the most perfect feeling when you pass all the houses and you know everyone is tucked away in bed and you're out getting work done. Thanks for reading!
I LOVE running early and getting up early - but my husband and I have total opposite schedules. He is not home until 8:30 or after and when I run early (also waking up before 5am) I'm asleep by 9:30 or 10 at the VERY latest which gives us no time to be together. So the past few months I have worked on running in the evening so I don't have to wake up as early. Now I wake up at 6 and slowly get ready and don't know what to do with myself. I don't need to be at the school I'm working at this year until 8 and it has been 7 or 7:30 in the past... it has been a weird transition - but I would LOVE to go back to mornings!
Question about the hand weights - do you not think that it changes your running form at all? I've heard that it can... ?
I have been struggling lately without A/C in my apartment and my 6:15 wakeup time is getting harder and harder because I don't sleep well! I prefer working out after work because it releases all my frustration/pent up energy from the day and then I'm energized to make dinner and go on a walk or do something else before wanting to crawl into bed. Wish I could get to 6 am yoga though!!
i reallllly need to be better about waking up for morning workouts. like really need to be better about it.
I don't run. BUT- I do swim and I typically go to morning practice. I swim with the masters swim team and we practice from 5:15-6:45. I'm in a pretty good habit of going Tuesday, Thursday and most Saturdays. I love the accomplishment I feel, I really enjoy not having to fret over when I am going to work out and I definitely deserve my breakfast. My favorite thing is that I swim, shower and I'm done- I don't have to shower again in the evening after a work out. Now... if I could just get up on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and work out I'd be good to go.
Three days a week is amazing and something to be very proud of! Especially when other people are there at the pool to keep you accountable. I totally agree on one shower, an earned breakfast and afternoon freedom (or freedom to do another workout, less cardio focused and more strength related!).
Keep up the great work!
Jessi from iPhone
You know... just today I was thinking that I needed to start waking at 5 AM to get in a workout and an hour of free computer time before the husband goes to work and the kiddo wakes. This was the inspiration I needed. Thanks!
Awesome!! Glad we were on the same page! It really provides a lot of clarity! :)
When I was working out regularly, early was the only way to go for me. I love how accomplished I feel as the sun is rising. I'd love to get back into the routine again.
Isn't it great? Baby steps and you'll be back to it!
Jessi from iPhone
Kick Brads ass outta bed!
Jessi from iPhone
Yes! I know what you mean about after work frustration, that can be the worst, especially when it just leads to an evening thinking about a beat-down day. 6am yoga sounds great, I hope you start to sleep better :-/
Jessi from iPhone
Aww that's sweet of you to switch your routine to align with Hubby's schedule. I feel the same way about my schedule with my boyfriend. It gives him an hour or more of all the bed and all the covers to himself (another reason we're eyeing a King Bed!!) and then we get to spend time in the evening rather than him doing all the cooking / chores while I'm running / blogging / working from home!
I haven't noticed much difference in my running form since using hand weights and think I'll only use them every once in a while. I definitely don't see it as an effective way to build arm strength, but running with them has been an added challenge and I imagine my next run without them ill feel like I'm flying! :)
Jessi from iPhone
I bet it feels great when you're done, but I know I would have such a hard time sticking to that schedule!
It can be difficult, but luckily you probably wouldn't have the same 4am need! I just have a 40 minute commute into work + carpool + start at 7am!
[…] My attempt at lifting weights hasn’t gone any further than holding hand weights during some longer runs. Starting today (no, really – today!) I’m going to hit the gym […]
[…] 4. I still have 21 miles to run to complete this month, which is only 7 per day and an easy goal to hit in comparison to many end of the month gaps to close I’ve had in the last 3 and a half years of running 100 miles a month. It’s been a miracle so far to get 79 and I contribute my success to my Morning Routine. […]
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