No way, so you guys I didn't tell you something really funny from this entire month.
You remember how the mailman took all of my mail and made me go get it myself (here)?
Well after I went and got it from the post office, I still didn't get any mail delivery for two weeks. I saw my guy at the neighborhood cleanup event last weekend and basically told him I'm sorry that I'm a 20-something that doesn't value his job the mail.
So, I promised that if he delivered it all on Tuesday that I would be less of a jack-wad and check it every other day. Well he agreed, so Tuesday I had a mailbox truly bursting with all sorts of good stuff - including a macbook case, my teeth whitening kit I won from Kenzie, and a very "well concealed "influenster #GoVoxBox that I haven't even opened yet!
There was also a lot of junk but I'm not going to shoot the messenger.
There was also a lot of junk but I'm not going to shoot the messenger.
I'm not kidding, this is how I found it.
BUT you came here today for Favorites and I'm going to give you just one - a minute that will change the way you think of Korean babies (if you do think of Korean babies?)
Who else is linking up with Amanda's Friday Favorites?

i'm glad that you went up and spoke to you mail carrier! i'm sure he appreciated it too; most of the time, they get a lot of flack. of course, there are legit dillhole mail carriers but most of them are actually nice folks. my friend is one and he said that a lot of times, they get shit for nothing; they're just doing their job.
once i got a package but the mail guy left me the wrong key so i left him a nice note asking if maybe he gave me the wrong key for the other package slot and he felt so bad he tracked down my number, called me to apologize and then personally delivered it to me (we have a community mail box and personal deliveries by them NEVER happen unless we have to sign for something).
Vodka and Soda
The video of that little toddler dancing made my week on Wednesday when I watched (over and over again)....I still can't even understand how your mailman could legally not deliver your mail - I mean that is his JOB!!! So annoying!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Yay for good mail. I got some of that this week too. The babies dance are to cute.
This Video made me week.
It was 4 year who call 911 for math help.
Have a great weekend
What the heck is up with your mailman lol!? That video is amazing!! Enjoy your weekend :)
I'm glad you got your situation with your mailman all worked out. You should commend him on his hiding skills...ok, maybe you shouldnt since he will probably take your mail again lol
I love that you made a deal with him. You had a ton of good stuff waiting for you so I would say it's a good call.
I watch the show The Little Couple on TLC bc they live in Houston and their baby is a Chinese little person and I think he's the cutest ever. I told my husband if we could adopt a kid that looked just like him, I would be totally on board!
omg the package under the mat, dying. wtf? yay for getting your mail.
omg that video. wtf did i just watch?!! haha hilarious. that baby is so cute. i wish my moves were that awesome!
HAHA that box hiding! He's an expert
Love that you went and spoke to him but really its his job he cant decide not to drop mail because someone gave him attitude :/ weird. You're better than I am.
Now I have rewatched that video more times than I care to say! lol
My best friend tagged me in that video on Facebook and that led me to watch it 100 times in a row. SO CUTE.
I about spit out of my water. First, I love this amazing relationship you and your mailman have and OMFG at the vox box, HILARIOUS!!!
Because if you put a door mat over it NO ONE will see it, duh! WTF?! LOL!
We had a great mail guy growing up and I remember my folks always left him some wine around the holidays in the mailbox. However, now I have a faceless person. I'm jealous you live in a neighborhood where you would run into yours and proud you explained your situation!
hahha no way anyone would see that package.
The box under the rug... IM DYING!!!
That's great that you talked to your mail man! I couldn't help but laugh at him hiding your package under the door mat :D
LOL I love the box under the mat and funny enough I have totally seen that before. I really do love a mail man with a sense of humor. And I swear I shop like a maniac just so I can see those packages on my doorstep. PS your mailbox is so cute!
Yay for mail. I sucked at checking my mail when I lived alone. There was multiple times I had a huge stack in my mailbox and a nasty not from the mailman.
I'm DYING over his 'attempt' to hide your package under the front mat! Well played federal service agent. Well played.
your mailman is captain obvious over there!
Love the video!
Bahahahha my mailman does that same thing! I'm like good job of hiding it bro I think you actually made it more of a target now ;-) love that video hahahhaha thanks so much for linking up! xoxoxo
I always have problems with my mailman and can't to move and hopefully get a new one! That package under the mat is hilarious
LOL my mailman does the same thing with my doormat! Hilarious! Of course no one will ever see a huge box under a mat. Cracks me up!
I'm happy to see you worked things out with your mail carrier! The way you found your vox box made me laugh. I think mine was supposed to be between my sliding screen door and the door but it fell out because when I picked it up it was just laying on the ground. Luckily it didn't rain that day!
The best thing about the box under the rug is that he thought it out and that's the best option he came up with! I love it!!
Bahahaha... they do that w/ boxes at our apartment, too! Like... surriously?!
Nice Mail Cloaking Device ... Lol
I can't even believe stuff like that mail thing happens! How funny (and crazy)! I'm glad y'all got it sorted out!
Glad you finally got your mail! Enjoy :)
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