Thursday, November 29, 2012

#GOvember Week 4

Okay, so I have to admit to you, my readers, that I failed my goal of sweating each and every day in November.

Now before you're too harsh on me, you have to understand that I had my reasons the first and second times. You also have to sympathize with me that several times this month I did daily doubles with a run in the afternoon and Nike Training Club in the evening. If that's not winning I don't know what is! 

The first day I broke GOvember's goal was during the great beach house power outage. It not only kept me from blogging about my Birthday, but it also prevented me from wanting to get my sweat on for the fear of not having hot water when it was time to bathe and not being able to use modern technology (the hair dryer) to tame my wild mane. Especially at the coast!

The second and last, I swear day I broke GOvember was the day after Thanksgiving when my day had two objectives: Sleep in and Enjoy the last day with my brother in Portland. I took the easy road and enjoyed spending time with my family through Wii Rockband, Turkey Day leftovers and pure relaxation. I don't regret it for a minute!

Running Progress: 92.5 Miles down - Planning to complete the last 7.5 this afternoon and tomorrow with Dan after work.

Nike Training Club Sessions: 6 as of last night - it could have been 7 but I convinced Dan to skip with me this past Monday :)

Nike+ FuelBand Stats: 

Instagram Feed:

^ Desperate times call for desperate measures ^

^ The mountain's gate near the end of my 7.3 mile Happy Valley run ^

^ Mr. Dan joined me Turkey Day morning!! I think he's as excited as I am ^

^ Check out the outfit hookup ^

I hope you've enjoyed following along with me this month as I made a great attempt at sweating everyday. Even though I missed 2 days, I've sweat more than 30 times and that can be chalked up as a win in my book!

<3 JE


Brookelyn said...

not sure about you, but I break a sweat when I play rock band.

Jessi said...

Dan the Man did while drumming. I may have woke up in a sweat from the mountain of blankets on my bed ;)

November Summary | JESSI EVEN said...

[...] ← #GOvember Week 4 [...]