Friday, November 2, 2012

Vine Gogh

Happy Friday!!

Don't forget to turn the clocks back one hour this weekend for Daylight Saving Time! It will be darker at night and still dark in the morning, but you do get a long weekend. What do you plan to do with your extra hour?

Let's take a moment to recognize November 2nd - the holiday that my brother created his senior year of high school that celebrates all other days that weren't lucky enough to be holidays. A favorite memory of mine was when we posted signs and posters around the halls of the school, passed out candy and wished everyone a "Happy November 2nd". It's actually to be celebrated on the first Friday of November, but this year is extra special as it's the first Friday November 2nd since 2001.

Last night my mom, cousin, aunt and I attended a painting session at Vine Gogh and enjoyed an awesome painting session with the goal of recreating this:

I've heard about the place and seen photos of others' creations but had never spent the time to research the cost, the venue or how simple attending was (including that you don't need to have ANY painting experience)!

Each artist has their own painting station that has been set up with the canvas, the paint and the brushes.

To begin, we were seated, received our aprons and did a toast to fun, creativity, wine and patience!

And we begin! Following instructions from the artist on stage:

^ My favorite step / I could have stopped here! ^

Vine Gogh is located is SE Portland at 7956 SE 13th Ave Portland OR, 97202 and the paintings you can try are fun and beautiful.

If you'd like to attend, check out the calendar online and choose a painting you'd like to try! I'll be going back!

<3 JE


Tanna said...

Wow! That looks like a ton of fun! And your painting is awesome! One day I might just have to try it!

Jessi said...

Yes! When Olive gets old enough there's children's classes too! :)

November Summary | JESSI EVEN said...

[...] a masterpiece copycat at Vine Gogh with mom, cousin and [...]