Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TED Tuesday: 30 is Not the New 20

Twenties - the "developmental sweet spot".

Turning 25.5 last week + Brooke's link to a great TED Talk = Hello Jessi, you're growing up.

In today's TED Talk share, clinical psychologist Meg Jay draws from the memories and cases of her patients who were shuffling through their twenties without aim, because they didn't feel like they had to. It's become a social norm to extend our youth through our twenties, travel while we're young, accept not having a 'real job' yet and dating to just 'experiment' while waiting to find the one.

There are a cited 50 million other 20-somethings living in the United States (hey bloggers!) who are going along this ride at the same time as me, at the same time as you or learning all of the same things you yourself learned when you were in your twenties if you're already out of them. My twenties so far for me have been where I've established myself as a contributing member of society, where my career has blossomed, where my personality has changed, where my priorities are set toward building my future, where I'd rather have a handful of quality friendships than pages of Facebook friends.

I love who I've become in the first half, and can't wait to fulfill the vision of myself I've always had.

Growing up when I daydreamed about the woman I would become, the perfect version of myself was a tall, confident beauty in her late twenties. She had her life figured out, she was happily in love and was paving a career path that would set her up for her professional prowess. She spoke with confidence, walked with grace and aimed to never hurt another's feelings. And I still like the sound of that.

Watch this video and make your own pledge to claim your 20's, or 30's, 40's, 50's - just claim you!

[ted id=1741]

TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading

heart JE


Meghan said...

i love this video, and i love that last sentence about the vision you had of yourself growing up. from what i can tell, it describes you pretty well! :)

The Truth about Cohabitation | JUMPING JE said...

[…] Late Spring of 2012 Dan’s sister called him and excitedly announced that she was engaged! He was so happy for her and at the same time guilt hit me like a brick wall. Was I leading him on? Was he going to start thinking about marriage soon? Is he my forever or was he just the closest chair? […]

May Summary | JUMPING JE said...

[…] month I really enjoyed the start of something intellectual with TED Tuesdays: Happiness Advantage, 30 is not the new 20 and the Power of […]

TED Tuesday: Reframing Will Change You | JUMPING JE said...

[…] We’ve talked here before about tricking your mind with body language, loving the work you do to gain a happiness advantage and even making yourself kick it into gear with 30 is not the new 20. […]