Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February Summary

This month seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks so I'm happy to wrap this one up a day early - want to join in with me? In an effort to not interrupt my weekly favorite: Throwback Thursday you're going to re-live this short & crazy month through the highs and we can all agree to ignore the way lows? Good.

Rather than looking at all of February's goals that I failed (#2, #3, #4, #6) let's focus on the ones that I embraced and made a priority in my life.


It was a great month for the Clean Breakfast challenge set out by Amanda from RunToTheFinish and I really don't feel like I had to work that hard at it. I have always felt that a good breakfast sets the tone for a good day, and certainly have never been one to think that means a muffin or something with the word glazed in the description. I even get upset with Dan when we sleep in on the weekend and before we know it - breakfast is really a brlunner (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Keys to accomplishing this goal were 1. Meal Prep 2. Instagram accountability checks 3. A community of like-minded bloggers and health enthusiasts sharing the same goal. Power in numbers!

I also happily encouraged Dan to play golf a few times and he only actually ended up going twice. I'm going to enjoy this summer when he gets up early for his summer weekend job and his early tee-times, he's a pretty bad influence on me when it comes to rise'n'shine and being productive on the weekends because there's nothing like staying in bed with no alarm to worry us. I'm proud of him for already being invited to represent his golf league in a tournament in April as tribute to his victory in September, 2012. C'mon baby!

I had great success at commenting on other blogger's posts and found myself paying more attention to what other ladies are writing about. It has also made me more aware of how I write and share information with you as my readers. It's an interesting phenomenon, this blogging world. I can read about the days and lives of people I've never met before and find myself feeling emotional attachments to them - getting excited about their engagements, feeling sympathy for their worries, anticipating their big news and drooling over their recipes - and have found myself caring more about what they have to say sometimes than keeping in touch with my real-life friends.  I'm sorry real friends - let's change that! Blogger friends, let's keep the conversation going!

I knocked out my four 10-mile runs early in the month as my mileage had to be earned mainly on the weekends. I was okay happy! with that because it turned out that we had excellent winter weather in the northwest where I was able to go glove-less and even wear shorts! As this posts, I have 13 miles remaining for the month and will easily be able to accomplish that with a long run this evening and a short one to wrap it up tomorrow. 

Great Memories:

Yummy Eats:

Scary Self-Discovery

Thanks for sticking this month out with me - it really wasn't all that bad when I take a look back :)

<3 JE


We Are 2Fit2 Quit said...

Nice job! One day at a battle won with each :)

Brookelyn said...

You're gonna crush March! :)