Whoa - reality check, it's still technically April? I think we've got some confusion around here, the weather has been gorgeous in Portland and that's not normally until June July if we're lucky.
Really though, with the change of seasons, my work focus being on the month of May and all that has gone on in my world it's difficult to face that tomorrow is the 1st of May. No complaints, just level setting with my mind because so much has happened this month.
April to me meant change, maturity and responsibility at work. It brought overwhelming success and pride that I'll never forget. It propelled me into overshooting my running goal of 100 miles by 16 miles - which is unheard of during such a busy month.
I'm looking back to my April's Eight Great Goals and I seriously missed the mark on 6 of 8. I didn't think reasonably what craziness the month would bring and sadly there were a few things that were out of my control and even out of my scope of importance. Where we did have amazing success was with limiting latte intake - I am looking forward to keeping that in mind in the months that follow.
Even though I'm managing through falling under the line, we still had a great month and plenty of wonderful memories to show for it!
Yummy Eats
So much amazing food was enjoyed this month from date nights to weekend food prep:
Sweet Potato + Quinoa Stir Fry
Work Related
I realize that I talked a lot about work this month, and really because I spend most of my day living and breathing my work with so many positive things to show for it.
I've promised Dan and everyone in my life that the craziness will be over starting once the fourth quarter is over - which means another month!
Still there were some good posts that came out of the craziness and want a collection of them here:
Running Love
I got after so many miles this month and it really impacted my happiness.
I knew that running was more than just about meeting my goal when I was lacing up after 8pm at night, or logging ten milers even after hitting my goal. The weather has been so warm I've even been breaking a sweat early on in the run, and there's no better feeling.
My Handsome Daniel
The one person who got the least of me this month was my wonderful boyfriend. We stopped carpooling due to my schedule, we only went on two runs together, he had a golf tournament that I didn't make it to and he did nothing but try to fix the world and make things easier on my life. He's my everything and I'm so thankful he's in love with me.