Friday, January 31, 2014

Fan Friday: Superbowl XLVIII Edition

So sorry to confuse anyone with yesterday's post. What was I even talking about anyway?

Of course I'm talking about how badly I want the Seattle Seahawks to win the Superbowl this Sunday!

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Since I can't control the universe (and neither can you), all I can do it sit back with some paleo superbowl snacks, my trusty iPhone/iPad/MacBook and these drinking games for BOTH the superbowl and the puppy bowl. Actually can't go all the way on the drinking games since Monday's an important day at work, but I'm going to live vicariously through my instagram and facebook feeds. If I had to choose a drinking game to follow religiously it'd have to be puppy bowl. Chug when a dog gets humped? Genius! 

Wait, why do I want the Seahawks to win?
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I live in Portland and since we only have and NBA and MLS team, I have to outsource my NFL and MLB rooting up north to our friends in the rainier city of Seattle. It's pretty natch (natural) for people in the northwest to feel this way about sharing professional teams. Kind of a shame, really. 

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This Ape, named "Eli" of course, has called the last 6 Super Bowl winners. He's like the punxsutawney Phil of the NFL yes, I had to google the spelling, do not judge me. But anyway, I've never met an ape who lied to me and I'm not about to doubt good Eli's sound decisions this time around. He made his pick without any hesitation. That's what I call going with your gut!

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So apparently Seattle has an outspoken defensive player who is pretty well educated and went to Stanford or some smart school like that. I think his name is Robert Sherman. No, it's Richard? Okay Richard. Well Dick is an outstanding player from what I've seen and there's no shame in being passionate about the game you get paid to play. He's been the talk of the nation the last 2 weeks (and maybe more, who really knows) Just look at this guy. 

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Macklemore supports the Seahawks and he won 4 Grammy's last weekend. A Seattle win would put the emerald city in the running for having the best year ever. Or at least best 8 day stretch. Plus Macklemore is so buddy-buddy with the team he calls Pete Carroll "Pete" and Richard Sherman "Sherm."

Oh, and he calls himself the "white Sherman" in this video.

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This reason is the most simple of all. I want the Seahawks to win because I couldn't have come up with 5 reasons why I wanted the Broncos to win! Heyo!

Play me out, Sherman!

Linking up today with the always clever Sarah and Karly for Fan Friday!

Venus Trapped in Mars

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I Do Not Control the Universe

In my 26 years on this earth I've learned one solid truth many times. 

Many times? 

Yeah, I guess it's like the science facts you learned in 6th grade, the grammar from 4th grade or the calculus from high school - you forget as you age and the games get more serious.

This wicked game that I'm talking about is the fact that I do not control the universe. Nobody does

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Why is this so hard for me to remember?

I suppose some would call me a passionate person. I get fired up about the way you should put toilet paper on the roll (over, not under...) and the way you put soap into a washing machine (on top of the clothes, before you start the water). I get extra passionate when it comes to my future, like my career or my family or the people I want in my life. I wouldn't say that I want control of my universe because let's be real, that's way too much pressure. But sometimes the uncertainty and disorder I feel gets me about as uncomfortable as having a wedgie in skinny jeans. Just kidding, I technically always have a wedgie, sorry dad.

Let's take a look at the facts.

The only things in life that I can control are my own actions, my own attitude and the way I carry myself. Check. I do not control the way people react to me. I do not control the way that events unfold in front of my eyes. Especially when these eyes are closed tight as I dive headfirst into the water. 

No matter how hard I wish and hope and think I can, I can't orchestrate every step of my life. There's fate, there's chance and there's circumstance. Without these divine interventions and free will, my life would be a much different life.

Had I not shaken the hand of an umpire at a softball game in High School, I may not work at Nike today. Had I not answered an email one day from my former coach, I would have not met my dear friend Brooke. Had I not been at work the day that my job focus changed to Canada this year, I'd have missed out on some amazing opportunities and relationships. Had I done anything differently than I've done up until this point, my life would be a much different life. This is an important fact I have to remember, this and so much more. 

Patience is much easier said than done, right patient bear?

Since I feel full of wisdom, here's some other things I know and advice I want to share.

Dreams are worth having and worth working toward.
Things happen for a reason. 
Hard times are necessary and allow us to grow, to gain perspective, to foster experience. 
Light can be found everywhere, even in the darkest of days (Am I right, Portland?) 
Puppies and horses can be best friends.
Take your time.
Que Sera, Sera.
Brush your teeth.
Be kind to yourself.
Keep your eyes open.
Sleep under the stars.
Love with all your heart.

Dr. Jessi out. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Awkward Dance Class Experience

Let me set the scene.

Yesterday I sashayed my way into a dance class at lunch time called "Group Groove".

Looking exactly like Queen B... but in my running tights, a bright blue t-shirt and my lunarglide's.

Add a water bottle and some work colleagues at my sides - we were ready to break it down. All my single ladies?

(ps: dancing is hard enough in tennis shoes)

WITHOUT even a four-count the instructor slapped her hands on her thighs, and everybody in the class started following her moves with all the rhythm and grace of Beyonce herself.

Everyone except for.......Me! Brooke may or may not have requested a video next time.

I consider myself to be a fairly coordinated person, but having no dance background whatsoever I stuck out like a sore thumb. 

It didn't help that I was the tallest female in the class, was wearing a bright t-shirt and was behind the instructor's reflection in the mirror. Give me the shopping cart or the macarena and I'm your girl, but just shake it flashdance style and expect me to follow along?


As the class continued and there were "Everybody Wang Chung Tonight / Harlem Shake" remixes, Macklemore and some other hits I could get down with I started to get a little hang of it. I even was able to pull my Michael Jordan tongue back into my mouth and listen to the beat rather than getting hung up on larry's and randy's (lefts and rights).

As I started to get a little more confidence and realized that I'm in great shape, I got my bearings and feel like I would have a half decent shot at the next class I take. Some of the moves that I did okay with and not limited to are the following:

Brit's Werk Betch:

The Hair Flip:

The Stripper Kick:

The Power Squat:

The Give-It-To-Me Swivel:

and the I Don't Know I'm Just Going to Flail Shake:

But guys I really stepped out of my comfort zone yesterday taking this class. It could have gone so much worse and so much better all at the same time. 

I mean, last week I tried to learn "some" line dancing, why not give booty poppin' a shot?

Here's to coordination and confidence! Maybe some Balance too!  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

TED Tuesday: Time Saving Tech Tips

Say that title five times fast with me and then continue reading.

Today is a quick video and a quick blog - so stick with me! 

There's some times in life when you shouldn't take shortcuts, where you need to take your time, let the course of the universe show you the way and not try to rush past the important things. You shouln't cut corners on things like baking a cake, finding the perfect GIF for a blog post or making a savory paleo meatloaf .

.....But! There's other times where you want to save all the time in the world. Like when you're in front of your laptop, iPad and iPhone (or other tech devices), trying to speed up your work day, maximizing productivity, etc.

Today's TED talk shows you 10 time saving tips (some you may already know) that help you navigate your devices a little easier.  


Monday, January 27, 2014

Eating My Way Through January

So let's ignore that I took a two week unplanned blogging pause and talk about my jump off the paleo wagon last week as I took a vacation and ate all the food.

It's a good thing I didn't have any food-related New Years Resolutions as they all would have been broken this week. Vacation has a funny way of making you think you need to try all the things that you have never tried before and will unlikely ever try again. Possibly the same phenomenon of going to In-N-Out burger when you're an Oregonian visiting California for the umpteenth time. 

Southern Favorite's that I just had to try included:

Corky's Ribs & BBQ
Gus's Fried Chicken (World Famous!)
Texas De Brazil - (most paleo meal I ate, but also a buffet...)
Perkins Peanut Butter Silk Pie and Mammoth Muffins
Zaxby's Banana Pudding Milkshake
Boozy eats included but were not limited to: Taco Bell, McDonalds, delivery pizza, Waffle House

The only redeeming thing about this week was that the scale was only +4 from when I left. I'd call that a win?

No photos to incriminate me today, except for maybe this one. Bottom's Up!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday, I'm in Love

What's that, it's Friday?

This has been a really long week, what with having the holidays in the rearview mirror and having a full week of work. Thankfully I got to soften the blow a bit by working from home, but the last five days have crawled by as slow as they possibly could have.

What does that mean? Of course it means you get links today! (plus this video)

- Puppies who know how to do a snow day
- The Bachelor started this week - 12 essential dating tips
- Breakup infographic, how will your relationship likely end?
- But seriously, do you think I can walk in these heels?
- Oh hello, Kettlebell workout
- Are you watching football this weekend?

Happy Friday!

Why Don't We All Work From Home?

Isn't 2014 starting off with a bang? 

I mean we've made it through a week and I'm still going strong and have yet to make the mistake of dating something as 2013 or dating anything, amIright?. It's a real achievement, be proud of me guys!

This week I've been sending all kinds of Snaps about how awesome it is to still be laying in bed, with puppies, with pajamas on - until like 4pm. I started to think of all the reasons why working from home was amazing and thus a blog post was born. If I'm not lucky enough to be a stay at home mother someday, my next dream would be to work from home for all of the following reasons. 

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:: Wake up at the same time you would normally arrive to work
:: Zero commute (this saves me close to 2 hours) and no fighting for parking
:: Music SO loud, all day, zero interruptions
:: Working in the kitchen = easy access to the pantry
:: Pajamas all day if I want in my well-worn flannels
:: Workout any time of the day - today I'm doing 100 jumps with a jump rope after every 5 emails I respond to. I'll keep a count!
:: I take an actual lunch break!
:: The fact that I just blogged in the morning before firing up the work computer
:: Multi-tasking to the max
:: Weekend chores during the daytime (laundry, dishes, vacuuming!)
:: Last but not least, these two girls have been giving me sympathy snuggles all week long.

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Two more days of this bliss! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Get Busy Livin'

May I start by congratulating my amazing parents on 30 years of marriage?! Yes I can, it's my blog

These crazy kids are still in love the way that they were when they were married in 1984. Mom sent me this photo on Monday night and boasted "he still looks at me like that". Of course my initial reaction was Yuck, mom! but then I stopped for a second and thought yes, he does. 

That priceless look of love is what I hope for in my life and have 110% confidence that I'm going to have it. I won't settle for less after the example they've set for me. 

They've whisked away to Mexico for the week with swim suits and flip flops and hope to see Red and Andy out on the sands of the Zihuatanejo beaches. If you don't know that reference or the following one, you need to "get busy livin".

Of course while they do this, I'm keeping it easy at the house watching their golden retrievers. These girls are all kinds of playful when I visit, but all they did my first day with them was snoozed on the bed with me while I pulled a 6am-4pm shift.

I love the sleepy snuggles with these girls and will have a great week!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

TED Tuesday: Coming Out Of Your Closet

If you are human, you can relate to this inspiring TEDx Talk about coming out of your closet. I know what your preconceptions of this phrase are, but you should really consider coming out of a closet to mean having a hard conversation.

Hard conversations are terrifying. I know this first hand. 

We hate having them, they hurt people, they cause you pain and sometimes the consequences are irreparable. You're concerned about the reactions of loved ones and you're fearful for what they will see you as in the future. It's scary, it's unknown and nothing is a sure thing. 

But you know what? We need to have these conversations and we need to speak our truth. A closet is no place for a person to live and we all need to break through our walls and be unapologetic about our truth. 

At some point in your life you will feel safe in your closet, but please realize that what's on the other side of that wall is where you need to be. As Ash Beckham explains in the video below, a closet is no place for a person to live. As long as you remain in your closet, you are holding a grenade in the palm of your hands. 

So let's do it. Here's three steps and a video on how you can open that closet door.

1: Be Authentic

Take the armor off. Show the other people you're sharing your closet with that you bleed too.

2: Be Direct

Rip that band-aid off. Sometimes the hurt you get from a hard conversation is so hard to stand that you go back on your decision or have regrets. Really like I said yesterday, go with your gut and know that there are better times beyond the closet door. This I promise you.

3: Be Unapologetic

You are speaking your truth. Never apologize for that. Apologize for what you've done but not for who you are.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Always Go With Your Gut

You know when you're faced with a choice and your gut tells you something, but then your mind starts to overthink your choice and you end up going a different direction?

Well it happened to me this weekend and boy did it hurt. 

I'm in a College Bowl Game Pick'em league where just 3 weeks ago I went through and selected my winner for all of the bowl games and ranked them by the number of points I wanted my choice to be counted for. So, naturally not having followed much of college football this year, I was at a steep disadvantage. 

I threw in my $20, I rolled the dice and selected the teams I wanted and hit save.

I really didn't look at it much for the first two weeks as I saw myself at the bottom of the group and I was going to get dead last.

But then, my friends, then - I checked to see just HOW dead last I was. It turns out I wasn't.

I was approaching the top of the league, fast.

I started to really look at the guesses I'd made and realized I "mistakenly" chose Arkansas State to beat Ball State, and all the signs were pointing me to change my choices. So, learning at this point that I could still edit my pick, I changed it to Ball State winning.

Smugly I sat atop the league, getting my Beyonce on.

Then, Sunday when the game was on and Arkansas State was up by 6 points, I stopped everything I was doing and watched the entire fourth quarter. The game kept getting interesting but the wind stayed in Arkansas State's favor. I looked at the rest of the league and only one other person chose Arkansas State, but they only had 2 points on the line.... I had 31 HUGE points on the line. 

Disappointing play after disappointing play led to a Ball State loss (23-20), and to cap it all off it ended with a blocked kick for that extra 3 to tie it. Ughhhh. I still sit in first place and am guaranteed top 3, but NOT CHANGING my mind would have given me a secured victory and a profit of $130. 

Mind, you suck. 

Let's go Auburn, I've put all my eggs in one basket. Can you save the day for me? I promise I'll use my winnings wisely.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Fastest Week Ever

Wasn't it amazing how yesterday felt like Monday and here all of a sudden we can throw our hands in the air and give thanks to Friday! 

One of my favorite things to come in to this week was from a co-worker. A massive bottle of sriracha all for me. She normally collects it from the cafeteria in single serving containers for me, but she was out shopping this holiday and thought it was the perfect gift. I. Agree.

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Never have I felt more like I needed a weekend to catch up on all the sleep I've been missing having to go to work the last two days. Oh, the agony!

Long awaited beauty sleep is coming my way this weekend.

But that's not what you came here to read about - you want links! Happy Friday, all!

- A convenient GIF breakdown of Alabama's loss yesterday (complete with moms and girlfriends crying)
- What to cook if you're caught in a snow storm (#2 Get in my mouth)
- I want to draft a fantasy Puppy Bowl team
- I've seen some unruly No Shave November leftovers, here's a guide for owners of beards you know
- PDX Boozy Brunch looks awesome, but can I host my own? Who's in?

Also, these really are as good as they look - #notpaleonotsorry

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014; Well, We'll See!

I don't know what's in store for me this year and I kind of like it that way.

High bar, low bar, it won't matter. My goals are to live each and every day happily and healthily. To take care of my mind and my body. To take care of my heart and my soul. To run when I want to, and sleep when I need to. To see friends when I want to fill my heart, and stay home when I need to recharge. 

Years past I've had specific life events that I'm expecting to happen, but this year is different.

It's a year to throw caution to the wind, do what's right for me, do what makes me happy and to stop worrying about what others think. 

It's a year to continue to seek balance in my life and my relationships. 
It's a year to take photos and capture special moments, no matter their significance. 
It's a year to make waves in my career - in a non-beat-myself-down kind of way.

It's a year to branch out, to travel, to get out and meet some blog friends (in person!) and keep growing myself as a young woman who knows what she wants. 

It's an Even year - which means it's mine for the taking.  

Thank you for supporting me and continuing to follow along!
