So be honest with me, are we going to shut Netflix down this weekend with e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e watching House of Cards: Season 3?
If we are I'd rather avoid twitter and buzzfeed until a rainy afternoon and go climb up this hill instead.
Yes, that view is seriously only a 30-minute drive and a 40-60 minute hike away from where I sit right this moment. Want to come play?
But we aren't here today to talk hiking, we are here to talk favorites with our favorite newlywed, Amanda. First, did you see how her wedding day was nearly ruined because of Tyra Banks?
But we aren't here today to talk hiking, we are here to talk favorites with our favorite newlywed, Amanda. First, did you see how her wedding day was nearly ruined because of Tyra Banks?
My Favorites today come to you in link form so that you can pretend you clicked them and I can pretend I shared something enlightening with you. In reality we all just really want to know what the color of the dress was. Blue and black? White and gold? or nah? Don't know what I'm talking about? Even better!
:: 5 Differences between the Wrong guy and the Right guy
:: Sesame Street and Frank Underwolf do House of Cards
:: Be a Serial Honeymoon Phase Dater? Sounds intriguing.
:: Important life lessons you need to know from Leslie Knope.
:: Look how much the "ideal body type" for women has changed in 100 years #gainz.
:: But seriously, can we bring fanny packs back?
We good? Good. Happy Friday!
Who else is linking up with Amanda's Friday Favorites?