Thursday, January 24, 2013

Throwback Thursday: TMI

If you haven't noticed, my Throwback Thursdays are inspired by current events in my life that I can speak to now as an adult, but have photos that represent the same feeling from my younger years. Generally I first look through the photo's I've grabbed on my iPhone then try to apply some content, but this week was actually a time where the topic came first and I was lucky enough to have a few representation photos (Of the past, not current thankfully!).

This post will bleed into my cohabitation posts (Week 1, Week 2) #SorryI'mNotSorry - I like talking about the boyfriend and according to my stats you like reading about him too!

Dan and I began as great friends and one day out of nowhere that feeling of companionship, partners in crime and friendship grew into much more.  One of the key things that I love about him is how comfortable we are when we are together. We've seen each others bests and I feel like he's seen some of my worsts. I still may have my insecurities which are my own battles, but overall we are able to be honest, be open and speak our minds. As individuals we love our independence, stand up for what we believe in and work hard to build our futures. As a couple we show genuine interest in each other's days, we share our goals and we work together to achieve them.

This style of open communication has taught me a lot about myself and has reminded me how lucky I am to have met my match.

Phew - now that I've told you the mushy part of our relationship let me tell you about how sometimes being "open" can be TMI! Living with Dan on our own for the last three weeks has taught me that boys will be boys and nothing in our home can go un-noticed. I'm spending more time than ever with him now at home and on the car-ride in and sometimes there's things about his day that I don't always need to know. Like how many flushes his bathroom trip needed or why he thinks he needs to sit out a partner run after work. It's cool, I get it - you get some excellent fiber in your diet. A+ !

I'm generally one who enjoys bathroom humor but to spare you the details I'm happy that he has his own porcelain throne and we don't have to share. He agrees and he's approved the details I've shared with you today - I made sure to get his approval before this went public.

Sure there's a million rants he could go on with about me and my troubles like how much hair I shed but we'll save those for another day or maybe even a guest post from the man himself?

Today's Throwback Thursday is brought to you by my happiness that there are doors to bathrooms and candles a'plenty in our home.

^I wonder who taught us to read while doing our business^

^More multi-tasking^

^So innocent^

<3 JE

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